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Officer of cuirassier regiments, Russia 1812-14

Article: CHM-54300
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Swedish artilleryman, early 18th century

Article: CHM-54298
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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Officer of the mounted regiments of the Poltava militia, Russia 1812-14

Article: CHM-54297
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Corpsman of the medical service, France 1812-15

Article: CHM-54296
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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Officer of the Moscow Cossack Comte Dmitriev-Mamonov regiment, Russia 1812-14

Article: CHM-54295
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Trumpeter of the Chevalier Guard Regiment, Russia 1804-07

Article: CHM-54294
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Worlds Of Fantasy: Keeper of Skulls

Article: CHM-54293
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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Private of the Life-Guard Dragoon regiment, Russia 1812-14

Article: CHM-54292
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Swedish artillery officer, early 18th century

Article: CHM-54291
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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Officer of mounted jaeger regiments, Russia 1813-14

Article: CHM-54289
Price: from 4000.00 RUB
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Hindu Woman-Вodyguard, 4th-2nd centuries B.C.

Article: CHM-54288
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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European cuirassier, 1st half of the 17th century

Article: CHM-54287
Price: from 4000.00 RUB
limited edition
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