54 mm


Caucasian Highlander, 19th century

Article: CHM-54359
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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German pilot ("Bicycle Day"), 1914-18

Article: CHM-54358
Price: 2500.00 RUB
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Golden Horde noble warrior. Late 14 - early 15 century.

Article: CHM-54357
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Russian Hussar with a lance, 1812-14

Article: CHM-54356
Price: 4000.00 RUB
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Spanish Pioneer Battalion (version No. 2), 1812

Article: CHM-54354
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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Spanish Pioneer Battalion (version No. 1), 1812

Article: CHM-54353
Price: 1700.00 RUB
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Saxon cheval-leger, 1810-13

Article: CHM-54347
Price: 4000.00 RUB
plus shipping
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Worlds Of Fantasy: Spartan woman warrior

Article: CHM-54345
Price: 1700.00 RUB
plus shipping
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