54 mm - Kalinichev Andrey Studio


Fusilier of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, Prussia, 1806

Article: KA-54074
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Musician of the 16th Light Infantry Regiment, France, 1808

Article: KA-54073
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Viking, 10th-11th centuries

Article: KA-54071
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Tambour-Major of the 88th line infantry regiment, France 1805

Article: KA-54070
Price: 7100.00 RUB
limited edition
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U.S. Army Scout, 1870-80.

Article: KA-54066
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Westphalian jaeger of the Royal Guard, 1809-10

Article: KA-54065
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Velite of the Italian Royal Guard, 1808-12

Article: KA-54064
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Grenadier of the Hungarian regiments of the Austrian Army, 1805

Article: KA-54063
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
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Austrian sapper, 1809

Article: KA-54061
Price: 7000.00 RUB
limited edition
plus shipping
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